Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Cultural Divide

First off...isn't it kind of crazy that in Europe you can buy wine in a can? I'd expect something like this from the South!

Instead of following some of my sorority sisters and friends to Vienna for the weekend (as I really want to see Vienna), I opted for a five mile hike across some mountain ranges for today and a castle tour in the morning. Once again, the sites were completely breathtaking as I trekked the ridiculous five mile hike and realized how out of shape I was! Hopefully the morning runs I am taking with Jason by the river will cure that. Anyway, we took this crazy one person ski lift back down the mountain, and I thought I was going to die for sure on it!

I have recently took on a whole new objective to this trip: to meet and get to know as many people as I can. I'm hanging out with people I normally would never get a chance to talk to, and also trying to emerge myself into the culture by talking to actual Innsbruck residents. At one of my new favorite bars last night, the irish pub, I was able to have a very long conversation about the differences in culture with an actual Tyrollean Innsbruck resident. He ended up teaching me a lot of German and attempting to help me with my accent! Speaking of accents, I have the worst German accent and say practically every word completely wrong. Anyway, after taking a closer inspection of their culture, I realized how widely accepted PDA was and how everyone's personal "bubble" was a lot smaller than those of my own country. When a new friend tried to say goodbye by kissing each of my cheeks, I was dumbfounded and awkward for a moment, as no one in the United States would find that a acceptable greeting or goodbye.

Its getting late and I am waking up at a gross 6:45 am so I can get on the bus in the morning for a tour of castles in Germany and Austria, then later it is the final match of the World Cup, the Netherlands versus Spain. Downtown should be crazy and certainly an experience I wouldn't want to miss.

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