Friday, August 6, 2010

Taking time to relax and think

It is kind of crazy how you can hop onto a train after class and head to a city a couple hours away for the afternoon here in Europe. This week I decided to jump on a train with Sarah, and check out Salzburg for the day (Yes, that translates into the city of salt; it is Salzburg’s main industry).
The city is quite quaint, and we finished walking through it in a little over an hour so we had time to walk around downtown, do a little window shopping, buy a shot glass for my collection, take lots of obnoxious tourist photos in the beautiful gardens, and check out the Mozart and wine festival that was happening. If you ever do have time to stop in Salzburg, don’t miss the gardens. It only take a few minutes to walk through if we aren’t counting the time you spend taking photos of the gorgeous scenery, and it leads you directly to the main shopping district downtown. And it was especially nice when we were walking through, because there was band playing Mozart in the center of the park.

If I wasn’t running low on cash, I would of taken time to go through the museum that is dedicated to Mozart—I’m sure its something my brother would have been interested in. However, I feel as though all I’ve done is see museum after museum, so at least these last couple of days here in Europe I’d like to do things at a more explorative, leisure pace.

Speaking of it being my last few days before I head back to the States, I’m wondering if I’m a changed person from when I first came here six weeks ago. And if I will have the same culture shock that other people have had before me: happy to be back home, then suddenly missing everything about Europe. My roommate told me that she can’t wait to be home, and that she can ‘t wait to be back in her comfortable family. Not that my family isn’t comfortable or I don’t miss them, but I feel like I will miss Europe too much, because I feel more creative and more comfortable here. Even finally decided to switch my major from the easy, practical Business to what I always really wanted: English and History. In a few hours I will be on a train to the beautiful beaches of Cinque Terre, then back in time to study and take my finals, then I will be taking a very long flight back to sunny Florida. Its strange to think in just a few days I will be on a plane home and away from this fairytale lifestyle.

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