Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just around the riverbend

Not only have I been neglecting this blog like an overweight, clingy girlfriend, but I've also been cheating on it with a new blog (however, if you aren't a student at my university, it wouldn't interest you).

The farthest I've traveled physically is down the road to Blue Springs. Several of my sorority sisters and I decided to visit the refreshing 70 degree springs for some relaxation and sisterhood bonding. After watching the ease at which several middle aged people paddled through the springs on canoes, three of us split the cost to rent a canoe for the afternoon. As we were being pushed out into the water by an attendant, he asked us if it was our first time. Admitting yes, the attendant laughed and said, "Boy, this should be fun" and gave us a final push to begin our canoeing adventure.

After spending twenty minutes paddling in a circle and trying not to tip ourselves over, we finally got some idea on how to move forward. That certainly didn't help us from freaking out about alligators that we believed were swimming around us. Needless to say, I ended up having a great time and got a good tan before fall starts to kick in. There isn't much longer I'll be able to wear my bathing suit.

That being said, I'm slowing progressing on a mental journey to de-stress myself and find happiness. I've started picking up various interests to occupy my time. I've started playing tennis casually with one of my sisters and I'm about to begin studying French in hopes of summer. I plan on working in Paris part time this summer for about three months, but I need to get a grasp on the language first. But perhaps the most enlightening (or rather, intellectually stimulating) is my exploration of Buddhism.

I'm not saying that I've decided that Buddhism is a religion for me, but rather I want to understand the religion. I believe that I can take qualities of Buddhism and incorporate them into a life philosophy that will strengthen my happiness.

I look forward to wherever both my physical and mental journeys take me in the next couple of months.

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